Friday, August 12, 2011

From dad: 08/12/11

You’re eight weeks old yesterday, but not quite two months ;-) (Don’t you just love the Gregorian calendar).  You’re definitely smiling more, and at appropriate times, but not as often as I’d like to see, though I’m sure you’re still deciding whether you like it here.  You seem to like to stand a lot, but that could be a discomfort thing and you’re just flexing your legs.

One of the new things you did around this time was you started to “squeak”.  I don’t think that’s the most accurately descriptive word, but it’s how your mom and I refer to what it is you’re doing.  You just sort of do this... thing where you’re not quite whining or crying, it doesn’t even seem like you’re trying to get any one's attention (though you do because we do our best to be attentive to you, especially your mom).  You’re just sort of saying “Eh, eh eh, eheheh... eh.”  Maybe you’re practicing your vocal chords; maybe you are in some kind discomfort but you don’t want to bother anyone (that would truly prove you’re my son despite your dashing good looks).  My vote is that you’re in discomfort for being in a body smaller than you want so you’re trying to make it grow, and maybe you’re a little frustrated because you don’t have control over this too small body.

It feels to me like you’re trying to go somewhere or do something, but you’re limbs aren’t cooperating and your muscles tire out way before you want them to.  That’s just the impression I get.

You’ve rolled over from your stomach twice since last time, one time was pretty official (every time before this, you were on a cushion-y object that someone else was on too, so you could’ve just been rolling “down hill”).  I think you rolled over out pure frustration and possible spite.  Whatever the reason, it wasn’t pleasant, and you haven’t regularly and calmly done it since.

You’re still waking up 3~4 times a night, but your mom was doing such an amazing job of not only giving you what you need, but also being considerate of what she thought I needed too (i.e. sleep), so you might be waking up more than that.  For about a week before this writing we had started a night time routine of giving you a bath and putting you in PJ’s.  This has helped me get more of a routine as well, which I desperately needed.  Once school starts for your mom, I hope to get into even more of a routine in the morning.