Wow, I really dropped the ball on staying up-to-date. Six months have gone by and not a word from me; you've doubled in age since my last post. A few things have happened; I started a new blog for a different purpose and this was turned into a blog (originally I just had this down as a document) and your mom and I decided to do this one together. However, apparently I wasn't clear on what exactly she was expecting this to be. I had just copied all the entries I had made and post-dated them. Your mom wasn't happy with it, at least the first post, and we haven't really talked much about what she was wanting this blog to be. I've been waiting a little to talk to her about it before posting more, but things are really busy right now and the longer I wait to make an update, the more stuff I'll have to remember and will probably ultimately miss.
So let's see... I've gotta look back on previous posts. I banged your head when tossing, but I've only done that once. That's when I learned that the ceiling in our bedroom is slightly lower than the rest of the first floor; I'm thinking that's because that's where all the air ducts are. You gave me the look like you had no idea what just happened, but you knew you didn't like it. You only cried a little for about ten seconds. No tears. There's been a plethora of times where you'll fall, throw your head back, something and bang your head; you rarely cry for more than seconds or so. I don't toss you as much in general simply because you don't react to it as much as you used to. You still seem to love it (usually) when I grab your legs and hold you upside-down. Usually I'll then put you on my head (which you usually squeal with laughter, I think because my pointy head pushed into your stomach), then move you to my shoulder and hold you like a bazooka (I call it my babe-zooka, though I've never figured out which end is the more deadly... I suppose it depends on what you've eaten).
Bath time doesn't seem to really do much for you one way or the other. You're just sitting in the sink now, but we'll be moving you to the bath tub pretty soon here. Sometimes you like to play with the water as it comes out of the faucet, but I can't really tell if you "like" it or "dislike" it, or maybe you're just intrigued by it. You usually like to hold your blue rubber ducky, but sometimes you'll hold on to your blue cup. In the past month, you've gotten very interested in... a certain body part. Maybe you just discovered it, maybe you're intrigued by the feelings since it's one of most sensitive parts of your body. Generally speaking though, you put your hands down there which makes changing your diaper messy sometimes.
I didn't document the first time you crawled, but I marked the video as the end of March, so it was a little earlier than that you started crawling. We were a little "worried" for a while because you didn't crawl, you did like your daddy did and did the "army crawl." But you put your own twist on it; you did this wounded army crawl thing where it was like your right leg was dead and you were always pulling yourself forward with your right arm. But we all worked hard with, trying to put you in the crawling position, letting you watch me crawl around (you always seemed so interested when I crawled, so I think you were taking pointers), etc. I wasn't too worried because I supposedly never crawled myself, but you were also still so focused on standing and walking. I find it interesting because once you started crawling, you seem to become less interested in walking. I mean, you still stand and scoot yourself around by hanging on to things, but before you could crawl, you would always put your feet down to stand if we put you near the floor. Now that you realize you're mobile and there's a different way to get around, sometimes you don't want to stand (which is normal, but you didn't start doing this until you started crawling). You've stood a few times by yourself, ranging between 4~10 seconds. I've seen you take 2 "falling" steps (they were more like shuffles, and by the second step you were more falling into the chair that you were heading to). You seem pretty reluctant to let go of things to try and walk towards us, but I've seen you transfer from one item to another without holding on (e.g. you'll let go of both hands that were holding onto the ottoman and switch to holding onto the couch).
You've got a total of 7 teeth (one was just discovered about a week ago). You've got 4 on the top, two on the bottom, and a molar has popped through on the top on your right side.
Let's see, anything else... you're eating real food now, but still plenty of bottle (though your mom says that's going to stop in about month, when you turn 1). You love Goldfish and Cheerios, but I refuse to let them become your "chicken nuggets" (there's kind of this... fad now where there are a lot of kids who only eat chicken nuggets and/or mac 'n cheese; your mother and I are firm believers this has more to do with the parents not forcing their children to expand their horizons). You say "ma ma ma ma" and "da da da" regularly, but it never seems like you're calling us, or referring to us, so they're just sounds really. Every once in a while you do this buzzing thing. I don't know if you're just playing, experimenting, or maybe it provides some degree of relief to your mouth.
I think that's all I can remember for now. I'll try to talk to your mom in the mean time to decide what's suppose to be here, and next time there won't be such a span between updates.