OK, big news... we're officially saying you started walking on 05/20/2012. But, even a month later you don't seem to take more than 10 or so steps, and we can't quite figure out why. You'll walk walk walk, step step step, then... just decide to sit. Maybe your legs are tired, maybe you lose confidence, I'm not really sure.
You had your first birthday ever. We took a trip down to Sarasota Florida where much of your dad's dad's side of the family lives, but many of your dad's mom's side of the family came too (so, grandpa Jerry's family and grandma Jeanie's family). During this trip, we stopped in Galveston, TX where your sister Charity took you to see the beach for the very first time; we went to your first water park, Schlitterbahn (I'm not sure I'm willing to say you really experienced this park since 80% of the time you were just in a tube zonked out); we took a day in New Orleans, walking mainly around the French Quarter, but we also took a trip across the Mississippi on a ferry. In Florida you actually went in the water at the beach with grandma and grandpa Powell; you seemed to LOVE the sand in your toes there. You fell in love with a little blue shovel you loved to take with you. We went to Busch Gardens, but of course you were too small to ride anything :-(. Your mom made you both a delicious and beautiful cake, and she also made a little one just for you. So, you got to just make a mess of yourself while 20 or so people all gawked and laughed, you were very entertaining. You took the driving in the car VERY well, your mother and I both thank you greatly for that.
Living in Colorado means swimming opportunities are somewhat limited, especially compared to a state that has both a warmer climate as well as ocean access, so we haven't really had a chance to get you swimming. I really hope you love the water; in fact, just the other day I was thinking you being on a swim team would be a good example of a sport you might do that I could get behind even though it wasn't a sport I participated in (an example of a sport that might be difficult for me to get behind might be wrestling just because it doesn't particularly interest me though I've got nothing against it, but your mom loves wrestling so she could teach me all about it). But this trip showed that you do not like that water. Every time we get you in the water, you get clingy with whoever it is that's putting you in and it's clear you want out.
Maybe it's cold so it's painful to a degree, maybe you're scared of the unknown, maybe you're worried about something, I'm not sure. Eventually you warm up to and you have these spurts of laughter and splashing, but mostly you just kind of zone out; maybe you've given up on trying to get us to let you out, or maybe whatever it was that was giving you problems to begin with go away. This summer I want to take you into the pool more, probably do the baby swim class with you. Even though we're in a land locked state, I still think it's somewhat important that you be a relatively strong swimmer.