So, I took you to a swimming class. This class was a little odd because it was for 6 month to 2 year olds. It's odd because the average lifespan currently is 78 years, but it's not like the difference (mentally, physically, developmentally, etc) between a 1 and 2 year old is the same as a 65 and a 66 year old. The difference between a 1 year old and a 2 year old is more like the difference between a 20 year old and a 40 year old. Point is, you were the second youngest kid there. Many kids were old enough to maybe talk, but definitely listen; you're still at the point where I'll tell you to do something and you probably won't. I'm not sure if it's because you don't fully understand what I'm asking/telling you to do or if you just don't care yet. But, we had fun none-the-less and you finally warmed up to the water a bit.
It was around this time we finally started giving you baths in the bath tub. The first one or two times, as soon as we put in you the tub you wanted out. But, after that you were fine with it. Now, you don't get all excited about it, but you don't fight it all. You seem to enjoy it when I put you in the tub while it's filling up so you can play with the faucet. We have a 3 men in a tub toy, a red fish sponge, a green soap holding dinosaur, a Dino bowling pin, a blue polka dot rubber duckie, a blue cup, and a little blue boat; you're really intrigued with the cup, more so than the actual toys we have. What you do love is brushing your teeth afterwards; I've never seen you pick up a sign faster than brushing your teeth (which you came up with on your own). So let it be known, there was at least one point in your life when you LOVED to brush your teeth.
We've moved the baby gate on the stairs up to the second landing; you seem to love being chased up the stairs. I guess you've fallen down at least twice that I personally know of, but I assure you, that has nothing to do with me.
You really want go outside a lot now. I think it's more because you've thoroughly explored what we'll let you explore in the house and you want something new. You usually cry when anyone leaves; at first I thought it was because you didn't want them to leave, but now I think it has more to do with the fact that they went outside and didn't let you go.
You've started using utensils somewhat. Grandma Judy let you go to town on some meat loaf. There's been plenty of times you'll push away food that we offer you, but as soon as we put a spoon or fork in your hand, you want to do it yourself. There's been a few times where you won't eat something, I'll take a bite of it, then you'll eat it.
You've really started enjoying your stuffed toys like Brown Bear, Scout, and most recently your blue bear blanky that you got the day you were born. Some days they get more kisses than I do :-(. Grandma says there have been some times when you play some game (e.g. throwing a ball) with her for a good amount of time. Usually things don't interest you for more than 5 minutes or before you move on to something else, but you've been interacting with people, doing one thing, for a good longer amount of time.
Your mom is worried because she doesn't want the TV to raise you. First off, as of right now anyway, you don't watch TV for more than 15 or so minutes; secondly we're not plopping you down in front of the TV and doing something else. If you're watching TV then we're watching TV too.
I think that's all I can think of for the moment.
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